Clinical Data Capture Workflows in REDCap

Clinical Data Capture Workflows in REDCap

Purpose of this Article:

Discover information related to how REDCap is used for various clinical data capture workflows.

Data Capture Workflows - REDCap

REDCap supports studies that collect clinical data and allows for a variety of data capture workflows.

Clinician-Administered Scales

OPTION 1 - Site clinical staff use paper case report forms (CRFs) and transcribe to REDCap to produce electronic case report forms (eCRFs)

  • Source Document: Paper CRFs

  • Benefits: N/A

  • Drawbacks: Incomplete data potential and transcription errors can occur.

  • Site Monitoring? Involved

OPTION 2 - Site clinical staff enter directly to REDCap eCRF

  • Source Document: Electronic CRFs (REDCap)

  • Benefits: Eliminates the risk of transcription errors, data entry and data capture are done at the same time, automated warnings and range checks on the data being entered

  • Drawbacks: N/A

  • Site Monitoring? Not usually

Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs)

OPTION 1 - Patients use paper PROs and site clinical staff transcribes to ePROs

  • Source Document: Paper PROs

  • Benefits: Preferred by some participants who are not accustomed to technology, or some scales which require paper forms

  • Cons: Potential for incomplete data and transcription errors

  • Site Monitoring? Yes

OPTION 2 - Patients enter data directly into electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs) in REDCap

  • Source Document: Electronic PROs (REDCap Surveys)

  • Benefits: There is no risk of transcription errors, data entry and data capture are completed at the same time, automated warnings and range checks can be put in place to validate data as it is entered, data collection can take place in the clinic or at home (via email)

  • Cons: N/A

  • Site Monitoring? Not usually