What are Brain-CODE Zones?

What are Brain-CODE Zones?

Brain-CODE has been set up as three Zones, each with a specific function described below.


Zone 1:

A repository of raw data and your personal data management solution. Participating Institutions will have ownership and control over the data they provide in Zone 1 and be able to share it with investigators that are listed as collaborators on their projects, described through Sub-Schedule C of the Participation Agreement.

Diagram of the 3 Brain-CODE Zones

Zone 2:

The long-term secure storage of data. Once data entered into Brain-CODE have been processed to remove direct identifiers (unless otherwise approved by a Research Ethics Board) to the extent possible or encrypted, it will be stored in Zone 2. This is also where data can be linked with other data from external databases through a secure linking protocol.

Zone 3:

Provides storage, third-party access, and analysis of Processed Data. Processed Data may be prepared by the Ontario Brain Institute for disclosure to approved third parties through a data access request, following analysis of the risk of re-identification.


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