Brain-CODE Data Types

Brain-CODE Data Types

Defining data types within Brain-CODE

Raw Data:

Data that have not been modified from their original state or processed to remove any direct identifiers and may include Personal Health Information (PHI).

This applies to data that the Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) collects from a Participating Institution in order to process it on their behalf, and to data that will be placed in Zone 2 of Brain-CODE that cannot readily have Direct Identifiers removed due to technical limitations.

Processed Data:

These data have been processed, either by OBI or through its Service Group or locally by the Participating Institution, to remove direct identifiers of an individual study participant. This applies to the majority of data that will be placed in Zone 2 of Brain-CODE.

Two types of data are defined for access on Brain-CODE in Zone 3:

  1. Public Data: Data that do not contain PHI and do not have potentially identifying information if further processed or combined.

  2. Controlled Data: Processed or Raw Data that represent a risk of re-identification and will undergo additional risk evaluation and approval steps prior to release.


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