Controlled Data Releases

Controlled Data Releases

A Controlled Data Release is a mechanism used by Brain-CODE to release data.

Access to data via Controlled Data Releases will be made available through a Brain-CODE Workspace or local download.


To gain access to Controlled Data Release data, Study Investigators can review available data and submit a Data Access Request through the study’s Data Release Dashboard on the Brain-CODE Portal.


Once submitted, requests will be reviewed by the Brain-CODE Data Access Committee and the Brain-CODE Steering Committee. Learn more about these Committees in the Brain-CODE Governance Policy Brain-CODE Governance Policy


As part of this process, the Study Investigator will be expected to provide the following information after submitting their data request. Please ensure that all the information provided is in English:


  • Provide a Project Title and Brief Project Description (300 words max)

  • Explain how the proposed study will impact brain health, or advance understanding of brain health (300 words max)

  • Provide documentation that a Research Ethics Board/Institutional Review Board/Research Ethics Committee (“REB”) has reviewed your project. This includes the full REB proposal, REB approval or exemption letter from their local Institutional REB and any other pertinent documentation. For more information about REB requirements read our REB FAQ Article.

  • Describe plans to disseminate the results from your project. This will include dissemination plans to all applicable stakeholders, including the public, scientific community, policy developers, government etc.

  • Provide applicant’s curriculum vitae (CV)

  • Indicate whether there are any special considerations for your data request

  • Sign a Data Use Agreement

  • Use a Brain-CODE Workspace to complete analyses. Please note that multi-factor authentication will be required for access.



Need to raise a request? Contact us.

To raise a request, please log in or sign up for an account on the Brain-CODE Help Desk.


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