Brain-CODE User Types

Brain-CODE User Types

General Categories of Brain-CODE Users explained

Integrated Discovery Program (IDP) Investigators:

Investigators funded by the Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) will have an account set up for them by Indoc which will provide access to the data that they have generated and from studies in which they are listed as a collaborator. 

Integrated Discovery Program Researchers and Staff:

The IDP manager will submit a request for user accounts that they require, and these users will have access to tools and data provided to them via Indoc. If you are a researcher or study team member, you may contact your program manager to have them request access on your behalf.

External (Public) Users:

For all other users that are not funded by OBI, an account request must be submitted via Portal. This process requires the applicant to provide their contact information and association for verification. Access to any data that is not Public requires the completion of a Data Access Request and approval by the Data Access Committee.

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