Downloading a Dataset
A Dataset can be downloaded either while in its preparation state or in between releases, or as a versioned release.
Data Stewardship
Users are reminded to abide by the Platform Terms of Use and any Project-specific restrictions when using the Portal to access data.
Downloading an unreleased Dataset
You can download a Dataset - including all files and metadata - in its current draft state before any versions have been released, or in between version releases.
Open the Dataset from the Datasets landing page.
Navigate to the Dataset title and information bar at the top of the page, then click Download.
The files and metadata are packaged in a zip archive identified with a unique name and date-time hash. Metadata files, including any custom metadata annotations, are included as JSON files.
Downloading a Dataset version
You can select and download any previously released Dataset version.
Open the Dataset from the Datasets landing page.
Navigate to the Dataset title and information bar at the top of the page, then click Versions.
All released Dataset versions are listed in the pop-out display. Choose a Version and click the Download icon.
The files and metadata are packaged in a zip archive identified with a unique name and date-time hash. Metadata files, including any custom metadata annotations, are included as JSON files.
More information about creating and releasing Dataset versions is available in Releasing a Dataset Version.