Releasing a Dataset Version
From time to time you may wish to create a snapshot version of your Dataset as a saved package that can be accessed and downloaded now or later. The Dataset Version Release tool bundles your data and metadata, assigns a version number, captures release notes, and creates a Dataset release.
To release a Dataset version,
Open the Dataset from the Datasets landing page and ensure you have made all the desired updates to the files, folder structure and metadata.
Click Release new version (upper right corner) to open a popup window and enter the release details.
Select a Release type: Minor or Major. A Version number is assigned automatically starting with the last Version you published. (Major: Version 1.0, 2.0, etc., Minor: Version 1.1, 1.2, etc.).
Note: The distinction of Minor vs. Major is a convenience feature and the definition is entirely at your discretion. Typically, a major release could represent a significant change from the previous version such as a large amount of new data or significant restructuring of the data, whereas a minor release could signify a small change.Enter a brief description in the Version Notes box (max. 250 characters).
Click Submit to save the snapshot or Cancel to stop creating the Release.
Your dataset files and all metadata JSON files are packaged in a zip file and saved for future access. Dataset version history is also captured in the Dataset Activity tab.
To view all released Dataset versions, click Versions in the Dataset information bar located next to the Dataset title. This opens the Versions sidebar where you can browse and download the Versions you have created.