Delete or Edit a Record in SPReD


Need to edit/delete a file or folder within SPReD

Once archived, file and folder names cannot be edited in SPReD, even by SPReD Admin. The only way to fix them is to have SPReD Admin delete them. Afterwards, you are able to re-upload or re-create them.


Request a deletion

  1. Record the Project ID.

  2. Record the Subject ID.

  3. Record the Session ID (Separate requests are required for each unique session ID).

  4. Do you have a local copy of the data (yes/no)?

  5. Email this information to with the subject line: Modify/Deletion Request.

Must answer yes to the question in Step 4 for approval.

For files or sub-folders, be sure to fully specify the location of the item to be deleted.

Conditions for request fulfillment

The request will most likely be accepted if one of the following conditions has been met:

  1. The request is being made by the creator of the session, within 4 weeks of its creation.

  2. The request is from the relevant Integrated Discovery Program (IDP) Manager or delegate (or, in a Quality Control project, an IDP Manager or MRI platform lead of any IDP that uses the relevant scanner).

After request approval

  1. An email is sent from to confirm the deletion request has been processed.

  2. Re-upload or re-create any data using correct naming conventions.

  3. Please rename the backup copy on a local machine prior to import onto SPReD.