Viewing Data Lineage
When you perform actions on a file such as copy, move, send to trash, the platform data lineage service captures the points in the file’s journey and displays them in the File Properties Data Lineage graph.
To access a file’s Data Lineage Graph,
Locate the file in the Green Room or Core File Explorer.
Click the Action icon (three dots) beside the file, then click Properties and open the Data Lineage Graph.
Hover over the graph icons to explore the points in the Data lineage graph. Displayed nodes include both upstream (past events) and downstream (later events). A node that displays “. . .”, signifies there’s more to see. Click the node to expand the rest of the graph.
Click See More to explore the full graph.
Lineage types (examples)
Node Info represent the state of a file resting in storage. Examples of Node Types include:
Green Room File
Green Room File (Trash Bin)
Core File
Core File (Trash Bin)
Pipeline Info describes actions that change the state of a file. Examples include:
File rename
File move
Data copy (copy to core)
Data sent to trash
Data recover
Example: A file was uploaded to the Green Room, renamed, copied to core, sent to Trash, then recovered from Trash has five nodes and four pipeline actions:
Node: Green Room File
Pipeline action: File Rename
Node: Green Room File
Pipeline action: Data Copy
Node: Core File
Pipeline action: Data sent to trash
Node: Core File (Trash Bin)
Pipeline action: Data recover
Node: Core File