Filtering Data in Spotfire Dashboards

What are filters?

Filtering allows you to show or hide a specific subset of data for a given variable by setting parameters or selecting a subset of options.

Common filter types include:


How to use a range filter

  • Drag either end of the range filter to shorten the range

  • Only values within the chosen range will be displayed

If the range filter includes dates, you can click the calendar icon (highlighted in blue below) to select a specific date on a calendar.

Tip: You can click and drag a selected interval to move it along the range filter.

How to use a check box filter

  1. Check a box to show the corresponding data

  2. Uncheck a box to hide the corresponding data

How to use a list box filter

  1. Use the grey scroll bar to scroll through all of the listed options

  2. Select one or more value that you want to continue to show data for

  3. To select multiple, consecutive values, select the first value, press and hold Shift, and then select the last value

  4. To select multiple, non-consecutive values, press Ctrl, and then select each separate value

Click here to learn about formatting searches in list filters