Troubleshooting "Invalid Subject Reference" Error in Subject Registry


Unable to save a participant ID in Subject Registry


Update the subject ID to conform to the Brain-CODE naming standards for this project

  1. Ensure that the subject ID was entered correctly

    • Brain-CODE ID's follow the following format: AAA##_BBB_####

      • AAA = the Program Code, a 3-character unique identifier for OBI Integrative Discovery Program (IDP).

      • ## = the Study Code, a 2-digit numeric Unique identifier for an IDP Study.

      • BBB = the Site ID Code, a 3-character unique identifier for the recruiting site.

      • #### = the Subject ID Number, a 4-digit numeric value assigned sequentially to study participants by the site.

    • In this example, TST01_IND_55555 has 5 digits for the subject identifier number, which does not conform to Brain-CODE naming standards.

  2. Once the subject ID has been corrected, click Save Subject to save the changes

  3. If you have verified the subject ID and continue to experience problems, please speak to your Study Manager or raise a request here.

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