If the default project roles - Project Administrator, Project Collaborator, and Project Contributor (described in Understanding Project Roles) - do not fit the desired Project user access requirements or if users require access to Shared Folders in the Green Room or Core, Project Administrators can create custom project roles.
Navigate to the Project Members page and open the Roles & Permissions tab.
Click + New Role.
Enter a role name and optional description.
Click to select the checkboxes for each desired custom permission level corresponding to the desired folder location(s) listed in the left-most column in the Green Room and Core (See the table below for a description of the different permission levels).
Available folder locations include:A user’s own folder (created for every member when they are added to the Project).
All user folders within the zone.
Shared Folders (see Managing User and Shared Folders in a Project).
Under the Workspace Tools heading, toggle switches to Accessible status to give the new custom role permission to access JupyterHub and/or Guacamole (default setting is Inaccessible).
Review the selected permissions to ensure all dependencies and selections are accurate.
Click Save.
The saved role is now available for assignment to Project members (see Adding Project Members).
Project Administrators can choose any combination of permissions in the Green Room or Core user folders and Shared Folders when defining a custom role. The following table describes the available permission levels and dependencies:
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