This article contains instructions on how to change your password from inside your user account, and how to manage your one-time password (OTP) devices used for 2-step verification (also known as two-factor authentication). To reset a forgotten password or use a saved OTP code to recover your account, see Recovering your Account.
📘 Instructions
Changing your Password
To manage your OTP devices, log into the portal and click the user iconin the top right corner of any page in the Portal to open your Account settings.
The 2-Step Verification pane displays the currently registered device(s).
To add a new device, click + Add Device. The Mobile Authenticator Setup screen opens and will prompt you to add the new device using the same process as first-time setup - see After completing all steps, the device will be displayed in the list of Registered Devices in your account profile.
To rename an existing device, hover or click the device name and click the pencil icon. Enter a new name, then click Save.
To remove a device, hover or click the device name and click the trash icon. At the confirmation prompt, click Delete to confirm, or Cancel to go back.