Install a VPN Client and Connect - Ubuntu (Linux)

Install a VPN Client and Connect - Ubuntu (Linux)

In order to access a Remote Desktop Workspace, you will need to connect to a virtual private network (VPN) from your computer. Once connected, you will log in to the networked computer via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) where you will have secure access to the workspace.


Install Client

  1. Open the Terminal and enter the command below:

    sudo apt-get install openvpn

    Please use the latest version of OpenVPN when using a Linux workspace.

  2. Enter your admin password when prompted - installation should commence.

Move Configuration Files and Connect

  1. Prior to connecting to the VPN you will need to add your VPN credentials zip file (received after Workspace approval) into OpenVPN. The zip file will contain:

    1. Personal Information Exchange File

    2. KEY file

    3. OpenVPN Config File

  2. Open the folder containing the configuration files. Right click in the folder’s empty space (not on the files) and select Open in Terminal.


  3. Identify the configuration file name with the extension “.ovpn”.

  4. Right click and select Open in Terminal to connect to the VPN with the following command (replace <filename.ovpn> with actual config file name):

    sudo openvpn --config <filename.ovpn>


  5. Enter your local admin password when prompted.

  6. When prompted for the Private Key Password, enter the provided VPN password.


Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s)

Error: Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in OBIWorkSpace-UDP4-1194-..._VPN.ovpn:4: data-ciphers (2.4.12) Use --help for more information.

Solution: comment out the data-ciphers line in your OVPN file.



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