Modifying a File Attributes Template
After a File Attribute Template has been created, a Project Administrator can make limited changes to the template, delete it, export it as a JSON file, or turn off its visibility.
Launch your Project and click on the Project Settings icon.
Select the File Attributes tab and locate an existing template.
Click an available action:
Rename: When an Attribute Template is renamed, all files annotated with the Template will display the new name. Click Save, or Cancel to exit without making the change.
Delete: An Attribute Template can only be deleted if it has not yet been used to annotate any files.
Export: Click to download the Attributes Template as a JSON file.
Add Attribute: Attributes denoted as Optional can be added to the Template (see Creating a File Attribute Template for detailed instructions on adding Attributes). Click the checkmark to save each addition.
Edit Visibility: Toggle visibility between Visible and Hidden.
Visible: the Attribute Template will be visible to Project members to annotate Project files.
Hidden: the Attribute Template will not be visible to Project members.
Edit Attribute: Edit an existing attribute to add Values or change if attribute is Optional.
The changes will be effective for any new File Attribute annotations added to Project files.
Please note the following:
Existing attributes cannot be removed.
Existing attribute values cannot be removed.
New attributes must be optional.
These restrictions are intended to prevent data loss or corruption on attributes already attached to Project files.