Previewing Files

Previewing Files

The File Previewer can be used to check the inner folder structure of uploaded file archives. Supported types include:

  • Zip: .zip

  • Tar: .tar, .tgz, .tbz, .txz, .tar.gz,.tar.br, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, .tar.zst.

  • 7zip: .7z

  • RAR: .rar


Projects File Previewer v2.11.5 2024-06-05a.png


  1. Locate the file in the File Explorer.

  2. Click the Action icon (three dots) beside the file and select Preview (only visible for archive file listed above).

  3. In the File Previewer, click to expand or collapse the folders and view the inner folders.

  4. Click OK to close the File Previewer.


To unzip the file, use one of the available workspace tools such as a Jupyter notebook in JupyterHub (see Using Workspace Tools).


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