Modifying Project Member Assigned Roles
Project Administrators can change the role of any Project member (other than themselves). Project roles are distinct to each Project - if a user is a member of multiple Projects, changing their role in one Project does not affect their role in their other Projects.
Changing Project Member Roles
Launch your Project and open the Members table in the Project Members page.
In the member’s entry, click Change role and select a new role from the dropdown menu.
A popup window prompts you to confirm the change. Click Ok to confirm, or Cancel to exit without making the change.
After clicking OK, the role change takes effect immediately and the Project member will receive an email notification confirming their new role assignment.
Assigning a Project Member to a less privileged role may cause them to lose access to Project data they previously had access to.
As a Project Administrator, you cannot change your own role, but another Project Administrator can change your role.