Two-factor Authentication using a Token Generation app

Two-factor Authentication using a Token Generation app

Two-factor authentication (sometimes referred to as two-step login) is implemented on Brain-CODE’s Seafile. Seafile has enabled two-factor authentication with the support of Token Generation Applications such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or Authy. While multiple Token Generation Applications are supported, the preferred application is Google Authenticator.

Google Authenticator
Microsoft Authenticator



Setting up a token generation app starts with downloading the application to your mobile device. Once downloaded to your device, open the app and scan the QR code provided by Seafile.

If you already have an authentication app set up with your organization, you may use that application and select Add Account to scan the QR code provided by Seafile.

Once you have scanned the QR code in your authentication app, your authentication account token will be accessible. Enter the six digit code in the Token text bar in Seafile to complete the Two Factor Authentication linkage. Examples of three authentication applications are seen below.



Note: Authentication tokens last 30 seconds. The applications will indicate when a token has expired and provide a new 6 digit code to enter.

After entering the code, Seafile will provide 10 backup tokens that you may use in the event you don’t have access to your mobile device, or if your mobile device is without a stable internet connection. Backup tokens cannot be reused.



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